Case Study - Empowering a Tech-Centric Brokerage

Desert North Realty, a Scottsdale-based brokerage, aspired to evolve into a tech-savvy firm by offering an advanced suite of tools to their agents, alongside customized web pages.

Desert North Realty
CRM, Automated Texting Campaigns, Website Development, MLS Integration, Profit-Sharing Model Implementation
Desert North Homepage
Property Finder
Brokerage Stats


Desert North Realty, with a humble start of 7 agents, had a vivid vision of becoming a tech-forward brokerage, offering unparalleled tools and services to its agents, and enhancing their digital presence in the competitive Scottsdale market. Our mission was to translate this vision into a tangible reality, embedding tech at every operational juncture.

Navigating through numerous spreadsheets and fragmented communications, our goal was to introduce a unified, efficient CRM that would not only streamline lead management but also fuse it with various advertising sources. In addition, an automated texting campaign tool was launched, ensuring consistent and timely communication with leads on behalf of agents, further sharpening their recruitment and engagement strategies.

What we did

  • CRM Development
  • Automated Texting Campaigns
  • Website Development & MLS Integration
  • Profit-Sharing Model Development

Our collaboration with Simple Realty Bits revolutionized how we operate and engage with our agents and clients. The tech solutions not only refined our internal processes but also significantly amplified our agent recruitment and market expansion.

Emily Selman
Head of Engineering at Unseal
Initial Agent Count
Current Agent Count
New Markets Entered
New Contacts Made

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  • Headquarters
    Mesa, Arizona