Our process - How we work

At Simple Realty Bits, we value the steps that lead to great results. Our process is clear, direct, and focused on understanding our clients' needs from start to finish. Each phase is designed to make sure we're on track, making the best choices for your goals. Below, see how we work with you from understanding the problem to delivering the final product.

Understand The Business And Problem

Every successful project starts with a deep dive into the core of the matter. Our initial phase revolves around understanding not just the problem but the entire business ecosystem. We believe that to craft the most effective solutions, one must comprehend the nuances of the challenge at hand, the industry landscape, and the specific objectives of the business. This phase is characterized by intensive discussions, stakeholder interviews, and analytical studies to gather all the data we need to move forward confidently.

Moreover, by understanding your business inside-out, we ensure that the software solutions we propose are not just technically proficient but also strategically aligned with your business goals. This holistic approach sets the foundation for a successful, symbiotic partnership.

Once the full audit is complete, we report back with a comprehensive plan and, more importantly, a budget.

Included in this phase

  • Analyzing existing workflows
  • Identifying key pain points
  • Deep Dive
  • Holistic Approach

Discuss Solutions

Once we have thoroughly analyzed the challenges, we transition into the brainstorming phase. Here, our team collaborates closely with stakeholders, pooling our collective knowledge, and experience. We believe in the power of collaborative ideation, where each voice brings a unique perspective, leading to richer, more well-rounded solutions.

During these sessions, multiple potential strategies are discussed, evaluated, and shortlisted. The final chosen approach is one that resonates best with the business objectives and offers the most effective solution to the identified problem.

Included in this phase

  • Collective Brainstorming
  • Strategy Finalization
  • Aligning with business goals
  • Evaluating feasibility


With a clear strategy in hand, we move to the design phase. Our design philosophy is centered around the end-user. We craft interfaces that are not just visually appealing but also intuitive and user-friendly. By using tools like wireframing and prototyping, we ensure stakeholders get a tangible feel of the final product even before development begins.

This phase is iterative, allowing for feedback loops with clients. It ensures that by the time we move to implementation, the design is refined, optimized, and has the green light from all concerned parties.

Included in this phase

  • User-focused approach
  • Iterative feedback loops
  • Prototyping and wireframing
  • Intuitive Interfaces


The design blueprints come alive during the implementation phase. Our development team, armed with the latest technologies, starts building the solution. Adhering to industry best practices and maintaining coding standards ensures that the final product is not just functional but also robust, scalable, and secure.

Parallelly, our developers engage in rigorous code reviews and implement systematic testing procedures. Both the creators and their peers meticulously assess the code to ensure thoroughness and adherence to standards. This collaborative approach guarantees a product that is robust, efficient, and in perfect alignment with requirements.

Included in this phase

  • Best Practices
  • Continuous Testing
  • Agile development practices
  • Regular progress updates


After the solution is implemented, our journey doesn't end. We firmly believe in the philosophy of 'Kaizen' or continuous improvement. Based on user feedback, analytics, and evolving business needs, we keep refining and enhancing the product.

This iterative approach ensures that the solution not only meets the current demands but also adapts to future challenges. Our commitment to clients extends beyond project completion, ensuring that they always have the best version of the solution at hand.

Included in this phase

  • Continuous improvement mindset
  • Client feedback integration
  • Post-launch support
  • Adaptive Solutions
  • Long-term Commitment

Our values - Rooted in Values, Driven by Excellence

Our values are more than just words on a wall. They embody our philosophy, drive our actions, and influence every decision we make. These core principles ensure we remain dedicated to our clients, our projects, and our shared vision for a brighter, tech-enabled future.

  • Integrity. We believe in doing the right thing, every time. Our commitment to honesty and transparency fosters trust with our clients and within our team.
  • Innovation. Pushing boundaries is in our DNA. We consistently strive to implement the latest technologies and methodologies to provide top-notch solutions.
  • Collaboration. Together, we achieve more. We foster a culture of teamwork and mutual respect, ensuring everyone's voice is heard and valued.
  • Conscientiousness. Every task, no matter its size, deserves our full attention. Our team is internally driven, ensuring each project is approached with diligence, care, and a commitment to excellence.
  • Adaptability. In the ever-evolving world of tech, being rigid doesn't cut it. We're always ready to pivot, ensuring we're aligned with the latest trends and client needs.
  • Client-Centric. Our clients are at the heart of everything we do. We focus on understanding their unique needs and crafting solutions that offer genuine value.

Tell us about your project

Our offices

  • Headquarters
    Mesa, Arizona